Ms. Yanish is the founder of Aster Canyon Consulting, Inc. Since 1997 she has been conducting and managing biological studies and coordinating research efforts with state and Federal agencies, private and non-profit organizations. Her areas of expertise are wildlife ecology and threatened and endangered species, and her experience includes business management, budget management, study design, field methods, data analysis, and statistical methods for wildlife projects focused on terrestrial mammals, large carnivores, and birds. A primary focus of her work has been providing solutions to real world conservation issues of threatened, endangered, and sensitive species. She has worked with the Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, United States Geological Survey (USGS), National Park Service, state agencies, private and not-for-profit organizations, and Universities. Education- University of Idaho, Moscow Idaho Bachelor of Science, Wildlife Resources Black-footed Ferret, Mexican Spotted Owl Survey Certification (sponsored by USFWS) Wetland Delineator Certificate 40-hour (Sponsored by USACE).
Curt Yanish, Rangeland Ecologist/Vice President
Since 1991 Mr. Yanish has gained a broad array of experience relating to rangeland management and restoration, hazardous waste management, military service, humanitarian recovery efforts, and wildland urban interface fire protection. Mr. Yanish’s expertise is in Rangeland Ecology Management. His experience includes study design, field methods, data analysis, and statistical methods, computer modeling, reclamation projects, NEPA analysis, and fuels reduction focused in landscape ecology. He also has experience in preparing open pit coal mining permits and developing management plans for reclaimed land. Education/Certification- University of Idaho, Moscow Idaho, Master of Science, Rangeland Ecology and Management, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, Bachelor of Science, Rangeland Management. Wetland Delineator Certificate 40-hour (Sponsored by USACE).